Silla Industries grows with Michele Brunelli, the company's new CTO

He is entrusted with the responsibility for the development of the entire Prism project, the family that includes cutting-edge products for e-mobility.

Padova, 4 maggio 2021 – Un percorso professionale che inizia in Silla Industries, come stagiaire e che oggi si rafforza con la nuova nomina a Chief Technology Officer: Michele Brunelli, classe 1994, lavora a fianco di Alberto Stecca e Cristiano Griletti, i due fondatori, dal 2019, subito dopo la laurea in Ingegneria Meccatronica presso l’Università di Padova.

Padua, 4 May 2021 - A professional path that begins in Silla Industries, as a stagiaire and which is strengthened today with the new appointment as Chief Technology Officer: Michele Brunelli, born in 1994, works alongside Alberto Stecca and Cristiano Griletti, the two founders , since 2019, immediately after graduating in Mechatronic Engineering at the University of Padua.

“We believe in teamwork and in the development of our human resources, fundamental elements for the success of our project” declares Alberto Stecca, CEO of Silla Industries. “This is why we are particularly proud to entrust this task to Michele, who chose us right from the start, driven by the passion for our dream. We could not have chosen a better talent to focus on to support our future growth ”.

Silla Industries

Italian start-up founded by Alberto Stecca and Cristiano Griletti in Padua, Silla Industries with a team of 12 professionals operates in the e-mobility sector. It develops and produces innovative technological solutions for the world of electric mobility and for better energy management both for the consumer market with its own brand products, such as Prism, and by developing custom products for large Italian and international groups.

Silla Industries for the Totem GT Electric custom wall charger
Silla Industries is the partner chosen by Totem Auto for the custom magazine of the 20 limited edition copies expected in 2022.